Young Birdwatchers Society

Kea's are Dope.

 The worlds only mountain parrot, Kea's are friendly, inquisitive, mischievous, smarter than your kid and will rip your car to shreds.

They're a Kiwi icon and an emblem of the Deep South and the Southern Alps but they are also in a steep rate of decline.

Which Friggen Sucks. 

Because of humans and our rampage through even the cleanest and greenest of countries (NZ). Species like our beloved Kea are in danger of dissapearing for good and with an estimated population of 1000 - 5000 birds (Down from over 150,000 when europeans first arrived in NZ, Yes thats One Hundred and Fifty Thousand) the Kea are disappearing fast.

So we here at Sons of the South decided to do something about it and started the Young Birdwatchers Society. An ongoing line of rad merino goods and accessories with money from the sales going straight to the Kea Conservation Trust and all of there efforts in helping save the smartest bird in the world.

The Kea Coservation Trust is a Not-for-profit organisation doing great work in the South Island protecting this cheeky bird. Among other things they help DOC with nesting surveys, they organise trips to remote back country huts to remove all the lead from the building (Kea's are so inquisitive they can get lead poisoning), and organise community backed programs for sightings and public education.

With all the excellent work their doing they need all the help they can get and all donations no matter how big or small are greatly appreciated.

So what are you waiting for?
Get your hands on some of our Young Birdwatchers Society gear and we will donate for you or head to this link and help them out yourself..

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